Simplifying Cryptocurrency Investigations

What to Expect


Crypto audits, investigations, income and capital gains tax collection

AI-Empowered Investigation

Detect any unreported assets with AI empowered technology


Understand all sources of cryptocurrency assets and where they are incorrectly reported

We work with federal and state investigators, enabling tax authorities to…

  • Create additional revenue streams through well established income and capital gains tax code.

  • Automation and analysis of large amounts of cryptocurrency transaction data to save auditors and investigators time and wasted effort.

  • Increase tax compliance and adherence to IRS standards.

  • BATS efficiently generates transactional analyses for investigators otherwise difficult to derive reliably, given the complex transactions the targeted asset holders engage in.

  • Key applications of the BATS Approach centers around income/capital gains tax investigations for government revenue collection and financial crimes.

  • Software will populate a map of transactions and accounts linking the flow of assets from one individual or case to another.


Automatically upload cryptocurrency transactions by connecting exchanges/wallets, providing subpoena data, or entering cryptocurrency addresses.

Import Screen

Transactions Screen


BATs leverages AI-empowered algorithms that detect unreported assets based on the assets provided, and provides a simple user-friendly flow view for deeper analysis.

The tool allows you to share these findings with trusted partner agencies.


With BATS’ unified accounting, you will have a clear understanding of transactions and cryptocurrency flows, and where assets are incorrectly reported.

BATS highlights missing transactions and violations related to the FATCA and FinCen that would warrant further investigation.

BATS generates customized client reports and data deliveries that can be tailored to output as ledgers, evidentiary court documents, summaries, spreadsheets, etc.

Tax Events Screen

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© BATS TaxInvestigator 2024